Having a unique product, a creative website, and novel e-commerce tools is not all that you need to mark new sales record. Competition these days require you to do much more than that. It is not just the customers whom you have to satisfy, the search engines should also like what you are offering. For that, you need to alter your online content to meet the requirements of popular search engines so that you make the most out of SEO.

If you are unable to get the customer’s attention and your sales records are lesser than you had expected, you are probably missing on some important factors. It is best to find an expert to help you build stronger content, optimize the keywords, and make your webpage appropriate for organic search. On the internet, your opportunities of growth are endless because every month, there are more than 100 billion global searches while 85% of internet users trust organic searches over paid advertisements. This clearly indicates that sponsored search results are no longer fruitful in terms of generating revenue.

Here are the five key elements that should help you reach the top of the page!

1. Know the Ranking Criteria

You need to know the current ranking of your website and the effectiveness of keywords, which are being utilized. Perhaps a specialist can help you obtain the exact SEO rankings because it is difficult to understand the complicated evaluation system of Google, which differs for each website.

If you yourself will search for your product, it might seem like your website is ranked number 1; however, it is necessarily true. Your page might have come on top because if the same keyword is searched repeatedly, Google personalizes your search. Some online stores seek professional help to keep a record of their SEO rankings. With a specialized tool, you can get daily updates of your website’s organic rank.

2. Avoid the Keyword Gap

The Keyword Gap refers to the difference between the keyword which you (as a business) have chosen to describe or define your product, and the phrase or keyword which your customer chooses to search for your product. For instance, if you are selling ‘party accessories’, the consumer might be searching for it as ‘fancy props’ in the search box.

To avoid this disparity, there is a need to conduct market research to find out how your customers and prospects are searching. Try to adjust your selected keywords in accordance with the user preferences. A website analyst can conduct the research on your behalf and assist you in optimizing your SEO strategy.

3. Keep FAQs – Fine-Tune your SEO plan according to Hummingbird

If you do not have enough FAQs in your website, you are probably not aware of the new Google changes and the introduction of its new algorithm - Hummingbird. If you want to see your website on the first page of the search, try to add as much relevant questions in your content as possible. This is because Google no longer processes the search queries how it previously used to. Instead of key words, it now focuses more on finding related answers to the question-based queries entered by the users.

If a large part of your company revenues come from the e-commerce activities, it is time that you seek help from a SEO specialist because these new settings are not only complicated but also require more carefully structured content. Even a minute mistake can land up your link way behind in SERP (Search Engine Result Page). SEO experts know how you can renew your SEO without having to alter the previous content.

4. Location Specific Key Words

If you are a real estate company operating in Florida, your content could answer the question, “Which is the best place to live in Florida?” This should help you target the clients who are you actual potential customers. If you do not specify the area or location, your content will be considered vague and irrelevant.

Another important thing is to give your company’s citations at various places throughout your content. The success of your local SEO is greatly influenced by NAP (Name, Address, Place). This will serve as a proof of the authenticity of your website and company. Make sure the addresses and contact information which you put up are same everywhere. If you do not meet the requirements of world’s leading search engine (which holds more than 67% of total market share), there are chances that you will never become a part of the 1.2 trillion annual searches.

5. Social Media Affects Your SEO

Social networks are no longer just about sharing tweets and updating statuses - it now serves crucial business purposes also. According to a research based on Google and Bing, social media activities, posts, reviews, and content accounts for approximately 8% to 10% of organic search algorithms. Now that social media presence has gained so much meaning, being a business, you need to pay attention to Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and other such platforms.

Make sure that you have prominently placed your social page icons on every page of your official website, blogs, articles, wherever you are present. The key to get your customer ‘involved’ into your social media activities to encourage Likes, Shares, Comments, and Posts. When people share their product experiences, the feed automatically shows on their timeline. These feeds will also serve as free publicity of your company’s products and offers.

Think From a consumer’s perspective

The idea is to think of how and what you would searched if you were looking for a particular product. Consumers usually use words search as “How”, “Best”, “Where”, “Expensive”, “Cheap”, “Affordable” and so on. Try to incorporate these words in your content to maximize the chances of getting better search rankings.


The new SEO requirements might sound a little complicated, but with the right help and support, you can set profit records that you never thought of. Contact a search engine optimization company today to explore a completely new world of expansion opportunities.

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Tags: Marketing, Search