At MonsterWeb, our Monsters have made sure that we are on top of the “Heartbleed Bug” and we have taken the steps needed to protect you. MonsterWeb has formulated a tool to aid everyone in determining if your site is susceptible, and to see if additional action is required. To test and see if your server has been compromised, click the purple button above.
Fortunately, if you are hosted on one of MonsterWeb’s Shared Hosting Packages or on one of our Managed Dedicated Servers, our Abuse Response Team is on the job. Over the past week they have worked feverishly to make sure that your data is secure. They have attempted to find and address any OpenSSL vulnerabilities on your account.
You might be asking, “What is the Heartbleed Bug?.” The Heartbleed Bug is a severe bug that attacks the OpenSSL cryptographic software library and, has the ability to see all of the memory data and decode encrypted information from the server. The Heartbleed Bug also grants access to the server’s passwords, names, and allows the attacker to steal data straight from the services and users. The bug makes this possible by mimicking the users and services, so that they can go undetected.
The Heartbleed Bug’s name is derived from the method it uses to steal the user’s information and data. The process is done by delivering a heartbeat like pulse to the server in order to establish that the connection between the two computers still remains strong. This technique is how the attacker is successfully able to retrieve the information wanted. The bug creates a heartbeat that is simulated by a third party in a specific manner, so that the memory becomes easily attainable.
The bug essentially gains endless private information such as usernames, passwords, and possibly your credit card information as well. All of which does not leave a trail or trace behind it.
It is highly recommended that all passwords online should be changed immediately to better the chances for your protection.
Thank you so much for taking the time to review this important notice. If you have any questions or concerns about this notice, please don't hesitate to contact our support team for further assistance. You may contact us through you account manager via support ticket or by giving us a call at 210-698-8888.
For any further information regarding The Heartbleed Bug, please visit https://heartbleed.com/.