McAfee PCI Compliance

The credit card payment industry requires PCI compliance for everyone that captures, processes or stores credit card numbers. This is a major concern for large e-commerce sites and should be one of the first things you do when beginning to sell online. Already selling? Then you MUST be compliant. If you are not sure, McAfee®'s PCI compliance service can give you peace of mind, and as a MonsterWeb customer, our primary concern is you. To order McAfee®'s PCI Compliance Service, Click here!
Great News! Monster Web has recently partnered with McAfee®, to provide our clients a complete PCI scanning solution used by thousands of merchants just like you. The best part is that we have been able to negotiate the price down to only $99 (normally $319) per year.
Why McAfee?
McAfee® PCI Compliance service is an easy to use system for all merchants to successfully and confidently complete all the steps needed for the credit card industry to deem your business PCI Compliant.
PCI Compliance was originally developed for VISA International, the McAfee® PCI Compliance service includes automated scanning of your website and server, an online self-assessment form, McAfee® Technical Assist (knowledgeable staff to help you bring your site up to speed), and the PCI management system that helps you arrange and manage your PCI compliance activities.
Thousands of organizations around the world including government agencies and many online merchants turn to McAfee®'s PCI compliance program to audit their initial and ongoing PCI compliance status and we do too.
How does it work?
The McAfee® PCI Compliance program is a super simple easy to use and understand system developed for smaller online merchants and retailers. Follow these steps below to get you and your business on the path to PCI Compliance.
- Click on the banner below to apply for the McAfee® PCI Certification program.
- Complete the Self-Assessment Questionnaire(SAQ)
- Fix any issues you may have found in the SAQ process.
- Begin your PCI scans to locate any vulnerabilities.
- Fix any issues the scan may have located.
- After successfully completing the SAQ and the PCI scan, you can log in the McAfee® site and produce a PCI Validation Report to submit to your merchant bank.